Recent Links for August 10th : the ProtoType Way; Superflat Panda; Nefertiti

A prototype-checklist : doing common things the prototype way (or taking advantage of those extra 100 KB in your page) – A great set of code examples of doing things the Prototype way. – Javascript TOKYOMANGO: Superflat Panda Swallows Cell Continue reading Recent Links for August 10th : the ProtoType Way; Superflat Panda; Nefertiti

Links for the first week on July 07

Amazon Web Services; Rails For Linux; Really DRY; eBay’s answer to 20% of itself; All the News That’s Fit to Wiki Out; the dreaded non-coding architect; Ajax Rain; Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling go to Hormiga Canyon; Arthur C. Clarke’s Maelstrom II: the movie; Kanye West Is Akira;
Is Tokyo a virtual world inside Second Life; HP Kawaii Horror.
Continue reading Links for the first week on July 07