Facebook Developer Garage (Aug 7th) and DemoCamp 14 (Sept 17) in Toronto

A couple of “Toronto Nerd Events” to report on…. Joey at Globle Nerdy informs us in a few weeks (on Tuesday August 7th) Facebook Developer Garage/Camp is happening at the MarS centre. The Facebook Platform Team will give an introduction Continue reading Facebook Developer Garage (Aug 7th) and DemoCamp 14 (Sept 17) in Toronto

Links for the first week on July 07

Amazon Web Services; Rails For Linux; Really DRY; eBay’s answer to 20% of itself; All the News That’s Fit to Wiki Out; the dreaded non-coding architect; Ajax Rain; Rudy Rucker & Bruce Sterling go to Hormiga Canyon; Arthur C. Clarke’s Maelstrom II: the movie; Kanye West Is Akira;
Is Tokyo a virtual world inside Second Life; HP Kawaii Horror.
Continue reading Links for the first week on July 07