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False Positives Adventures in Technology, SciFi and Culture from Toronto

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Technorati and del.icio.us Tags added with GreaseMonkey for Blogger.com users

Fabricio Zuardi (http://idomyownstunts.blogspot.com) wrote a GreaseMonkey script to make it easier to add Technorati Tags to your blog post when/if you are editing with in www.Blogger.com (but not within the pop up "BlogThis!"). Bryan Price (http://www.bytehead.org/) modified it to make it conducive to being XHTML compliant.

I've took that script and made some trivial changes to create a GreaseMonkey script (my First!) to add generic http://del.icio.us/ tag links : del.icio.us.tags.for.blogger.user.js

It can also be customized to link to your own http://del.icio.us tag links, by editing the "deliciousTagRoot" variable.

Note: The script does work with the pop-up "Blog this" bookmarklet. See July 5th update below for a way to do this.

Other Modifcations come to mind: creating both tags sets from one set of inputs.

update May 23rd: now noted on Absolutely Del.icio.us - Complete Tool Collection. Welcome!

update May 29th: driko looks to to add puedo-categories to his blog with a little help from may GreaseMonkey (GM?) script. and Mamata (from Brasil!) has it on his(?) list of GM scripts.

Update: June 19th: A Consuming Experience comments on and links here.

July 5th Update: Esben figured out how to get a similar greasemonkey script working for the popup "Blog This" bookmarklet from Blogger see http://www.esbenfjord.dk/firefox/tagblogger_bookmarklet.user.js. Excellcent! He used the Id Element "postArea" to insert the fields. Well Done!

(Now if we could use the "postoptions" element or the "postArea" and we might have one less GM scipt running)

Please Note that this Blog (False Positives) has moved to http://www.falsepositives.com/


  • Ain't open source the abolute greatest?

    Glad to see somebody continue to work on it!

    By bytehead, at 5:18 PM  

  • Oh, nice. That's very cool. It'll make blogging that much easier.

    By Jeff Harbert, at 4:28 PM  

  • I'm doing the same thing, but lo-tech with a bookmarklet (see freshblog how-to). I'll have to get into GreaseMonkey, by the look of it....

    I also ran across extisp.icio.us today, that will generate a graphical map of a user's del.icio.us tags representing their relative quantity & importance. Check it out.

    By John, at 2:46 PM  

  • This post has been removed by the author.

    By John, at 9:36 PM  

  • So... Looked into it. Modded the script slightly so that it will write one set of tags that work in both Technorati & Del.icio.us. Seems to be working great!!

    By John, at 4:28 PM  

  • Hi

    Great script. Unfortunately I cant get it to work with the bookmarklet. Is there a special trick??

    By Esben, at 5:21 AM  

  • Hi there. In case you're interested, Truckspy has modified the script to work with multiple word tags now, and I've written it up here.

    By Improbulus, at 3:28 PM  

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