Recent Links for August 10th : the ProtoType Way; Superflat Panda; Nefertiti

A prototype-checklist : doing common things the prototype way (or taking advantage of those extra 100 KB in your page) – A great set of code examples of doing things the Prototype way. – Javascript TOKYOMANGO: Superflat Panda Swallows Cell Continue reading Recent Links for August 10th : the ProtoType Way; Superflat Panda; Nefertiti

Recent Links for August 9th : space launches using lighter-than-air vehicles ; Japanese Mottainai Furoshiki wrapping

A vision of cheap space launches using lighter-than-air vehicles essentially balloons built specifically to carry light payloads to the stratosphere, from which a larger space-going vehicle could be launched.- first stage would use a lighter-than-air ascent vehicle to reach a Continue reading Recent Links for August 9th : space launches using lighter-than-air vehicles ; Japanese Mottainai Furoshiki wrapping

Recent Links for August 8th : Beautiful Code; NP-complete; sleazy FaceBook; ten different New Yorks

Safari Books Online – Author Interview with Andy Oram and Greg Wilson – Safari Books Online has just posted an interview with Andy Oram and (Toronto’s) Greg Wilson, the two editors who put together the recent O’Reilly book, Beautiful Code. Continue reading Recent Links for August 8th : Beautiful Code; NP-complete; sleazy FaceBook; ten different New Yorks