It’s is not to soon to start thinking about Skiing, and another season at Toronto’s High Park Ski Club

Really it’s not!  Here’s a taste :

I’ve already renewed my membership (this might be my 20th year!!) in the .  Why you ask?  Because its a great value, and one (of the few) ways to get my ass out from in front of a computer! Why is it a great value?

  • For weekend day trips to Mount St Louis in Barrie or Blue Mountain in Collingwood where they do the driving (!), with included Ski instruction(!) means I get out, get better, and don’t have to drive when I’m tried.
  • Overnight, weekend, Bus Trips to Quebec, Vermont, or Maine for bigger hills and more fun!
  • Wednesday Day Trips to some of the best private ski resorts in Ontario.
  • Week Long trips “out West” (or Europe) for even bigger hills, with good people.
  • Lessons : Don’t Ski / Snow Board or Cross Country Ski? No Problem! Lessons for absolute beginners (I had one friend who was experiencing her first season of snow), and all levels above ( whether want to learn to race or do bumps or just get better in your basic skiing).  You can even train to become a ski instructor, if that’s you goal. Or “just” learn to have more fun with less effort.
  • The people you meet: Everyone’s friendly but not too friendly.

High Park Ski Club is Toronto’s largest traveling ski and snowboard club – started in 1950! -, and is adult-only, not-for-profit club (unlike some) exclusively managed by member volunteers. Come and Sign up now and I’ll see you on the slopes.

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