DemoCamp 7: post action report

following up on torcampdemocamp number 7.

“No Regrets” was crowded. but being able to order beer and food made it bearable, The “offical” DemoCamp lists the batting order, and links. David made his happy return, the only – apparent – side effect being his “happy” phone. His request to use the “DemoCamp” tag looks to succesfully based on what’s showing up on technorati and a great set of images on flickr. (both now in my Blog Roll)

All the presenters did a great job, despite not being miked. Adam gives his a presenter’s perspective, Randy (He of ‘Hacking of Disposable Digital Cameras for Fun and Cheap Electrical Shocks’ at) live bloged. Good notes from others include : Oliver, Pranam, Sacha (later) , and Joey with Wendy riding shot gun.

Some very polished applications were shown, although “looking for a business model” seemed like the theme of the night – oh so very web 2.0 of us!. The “Glove” was cool from a very raw mod from a “the street makes it own use” pov. And Damian Conway made Perl cool and exciting. Also meet some other interesting people; listened; talked; drank.

is on deck, althought no date yet.