Playing with

TagCloud is an automated Folksonomy tool. Essentially, TagCloud searches any number of RSS feed you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds. Clicking on the tagÂ?s link will display a list of all the article abstracts associated with that keyword..

RSS goes in, Clouds come out. Live (snap shot of July 7th Tag Cloud)

updated thoughts (as such): 2 interesting uses for a Tag Cloud like this 1) news at a glance (using the feed fromSlashdot or google news or whatever), or as a navigation index into site (/blog/wiki) content (I think we-make-money-not-art was the first to do this), rather than doing a drop down list of categories.

If your able to run cgi on your server, then you would be better off doing so, but for others (like blogger based blogs) it’s work exploring aleast untill it gets baked in as part of the product.

It would be nice to able to change the sorting of the Tag Cloud (and weighing) as now does, ie “sort by alpha or fequency”.

I expect i’ll be replace the live javascript generate cloud with it image at some point. Tags: / ;Technorati Tags: / /

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