Web Comments for Firefox

is a new (versions 1.5 and greater) extension released by , and developed by , which shows you what bloggers around the world are saying about the current url you are viewing, using the indexs of Google’s .

It was inspired by (well known for this work on ), who cames across ( and was inspired by) comments I made in November 2004 on the old FalsePositives blog on blogger : Looking for FireFox / Mozilla extensions for Del.Icio.us and Technorati, about a system to find and display commentaries on the current web page, using the index. I also mentioned some other work done towards this in Illuminating the Web, with GreaseMonkey

Very Well Done Glen! The visual design of the extension is nice. However: the “add comments” allows you to add a post on your Blooger blog onl; and “1 of Many” is too cute, tell me how many, Give me “1 of 7”

Add this to a bunch of other Google releases : a FireFox extention for Safe Browsing, protection agianst phishing or spoofing sites; and the Google Homepage API allows you to create sharable Javascript modules that can personalize the Google Home page. (this will be come more important when finally surfaces.)

Update: Technorati Niall Kennedy makes some good points in Technorati Web Comments for Firefox about how heavy handed Google’s terms of service for this extension is (and I can’t think of any FF extension that had any terms of service before). Yes, I would like to see the a Web Comments for Firefox with full support for the MetaWeblog API, so I could point it at the index of my choice.

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